Shipping to Mexico

The United States-Mexican relationship can be complicated when it comes to crossing borders. Recently there have been many discussions regarding the influx of illegal immigrants to the US and many citizens are finding that these illegal immigrants are getting better benefits than some of the tax paying citizens. This type of talk could start problems in the relationship between the two nations, but so far it has only brought more attention to the subject of border crossings, including shipping. And the shipping industry is certainly concerned with this.

Crossing the United States-Mexico border for international shipping can seem like a hassle, but if you have your information together, it is really quite easy. Just like any other international shipment, you may want to start with your freight forwarder. This way you can be sure to follow all applicable rules for your move and keep you informed of differences from other international shipments you may have made. They will be able to guide you with setting up the shipment as well as all of the paperwork that will be needed with respect to NAFTA guidelines and documentation. You will also need to contact your customs broker since you will pay duty.

When shipping to Mexico, information is the key. If you have all of the exact measurements including weights and piece and pallet counts, you should be set, and you should be able to get an instant freight shipping quote. Even with stricter borders, the US-Mexico import export rules should make it an easy transfer of cargo whether importing or exporting.